Thursday 5 June 2014

Father's Day 2014 Date America Some Special Lines

Father's day some special poems and sms. Father's day special line on this post. Fathers day coming in 15 june 2014. And some special for fathers day in this year. the fathers day are special for all contries. the fathers day are first orgnised in usa for fatherhood. fathersday are celebrate in all contries in june this post fathers day special line and poems.fathers day are special for all peoples.fathers day best events of all events in years.

Best Poems;

 Be Kind To Thy Father

Be kind to thy father,

for when thou wert young,

Who loved thee so fondly as he?

He caught the first accents that

fell from thy tongue,

And joined in thy innocent glee.

4. My Father Poem :-

MY Father

Often people speak of olden times

Burdens that they shared,

IN the winters cold,there their feet went just

struggling through the snow,

To get food for their young ones

and blankets to keep them warm.

For that was my father looking out for his little ones.

My Father was,and still is

A great man,Even though he is gone.

His love for his children will always be strong.

I love you dad ,always in my heart

and memories .

5. A Father Is Poem :-

There in every memory

See his love and care

Strength and hands to count on

Freely he does share

Provider, toil so faithfully

To make our dreams come true

Give strong and tender discipline

Though it is hard to do

A Father is God's chosen one

To lead the family

And point it to His will for life

Of love and harmony...

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