Friday 6 June 2014

Father's Day 2014 Date Coming Soon On This

Father's Day 2014 coming soon. Father's Day are very special for all peoples. Father's Day are celebrate to respect fathers. Father's Day are special for us. Father's Day latest poems on this. Father's Day 2014 latest poem.

Parent's Murphy's Law

1. Parenting is a 24-hour-a-day job with no salary, no raises, no promotions and very few
2. Parents are responsible for everything that happens to their children.
3. Guilt and self-blame are occupational hazards.
4. Parents don't get worker's compensation or any other fringe benefits.
5. Parents can never retire -- even when their kids ask them to.
6. Parents "don't get no respect" --until they die--and then it's too late.
Bruce Lanksy

2.A Father Is: 

There in every memory
See his love and care
Strength and hands to count on
Freely he does share
Provider, toil so faithfully
To make our dreams come true
Give strong and tender discipline
Though it is hard to do
A Father is God's chosen one
To lead the family
And point it to His will for life
Of love and harmony...
Sue Skeen 

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